SWF Geocaching/Loan GPS units

Grade(s): 4-12

Curriculum: N/A

Loan Time: user chooses

Region(s) available: Across Saskatchewan

Cost associated: N/A

Link to Project Page: https://swf.sk.ca/programs/geocaching/ 

Activity Bio

"Geocaching is a free, real-world outdoor treasure hunt.  Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using a smartphone or GPS and can then share their experiences online.  Geocaching is enjoyed by people of all ages groups with a strong sense of community and support for the environment.

In recent years, the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) has allowed individuals to place personal geocaches on wildlife lands. With the new Trespass Legislation, that came into effect January 1, 2022, the SWF is asking that all personal geocaches be removed from these locations. SWF lands can only be accessed with permission. 

The SWF has geocaches placed across the province, on wildlife lands, that now require permission to access. The SWF is not liable for personal geocaches, and all geocaches placed on private land will now need permissions to access. The SWF requests that all personal geocaches be removed from these lands by June 1, 2022. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Central Office at 306-692-8812."



Phone: 306-692-8812

Email: dgibson@swf.sk.ca