Workshop: Take the Lead!®

Grade(s): 6-7

Curriculum: Grade 6 & 7 Health Education, Grade 6 & 7 Physical Education and Grade 6 & 7 Career Education outcomes

Length of Time: Full day

Region(s) available: Provincial

Supplies needed: None

Cost associated: No Cost

Link to Project Page: 

Activity Bio

"Endorsed by Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada, Take the Lead!® is a program focused on fostering leadership skills in youth aged 11-14. Youth Leader training allows youth to build their leadership skills, practice leading active play opportunities and provide more physical activity opportunities for their peers. Benefits of participation include: Youth leaders (ages 11 – 14) demonstrate leadership qualities and self-confidence; Children are physically active for a minimum of 30 minutes per day in the school environment; There are safe active play areas for children; Increased time dedicated to active, fun play during school recess, noon hour and the after school time period; Strengthened capacity of schools and communities to support physical activity for children. "

Testimonials on Take the Lead!® 

"Students that were trained in Take the Lead!® have become more mature. The leadership skills they learned and practiced during the Take the Lead!® program have transferred to everyday school life”

Contact person: Kelsey Michaluk (SPRA Consultant - Youth Engagement)

Phone: (306) 780-9219
